Monday 21 November 2016

Week 3 Day 1 to Week 4 Day 3

Maybe posting isn't my strong suit but I have been running. I'm using the RunDouble app, Couch to 5km program on the time setting (not distance) since I'm running on the treadmill.

Week 3 Day 1-3
5 min warm-up walk
90 sec running
90 sec walking
3 min running
3 min walking
5 min cool down walk
Warm-up walk and interval walking is at 4.0 miles/hr. Running is at 7.0 miles/hr. Cool down walk is 3.5 miles/hr. This wasn't bad. 3 min. I can do.

Week 4 Day 1-3
5 min warm-up walk
3 min running
90 sec walking
5 min running
2.5 min walking
5 min cool down walk
The first two days I could not sustain 7.0 miles/hr during the 5 min intervals. I had to slow down to 6.0. It was so very hard. Then I had the weekend to recuperate on today (Monday), I am elated to report that I was able to sustain 7.0 miles/hr throughout all the running intervals. IT WAS SO VERY HARD during the 5 min. run. It was a total mind game, especially during the 2nd cycle. BUT I DID IT!!!!! I kept repeating positive thoughts to myself, telling myself my legs weren't that tired and my breathing is ok and it was all in my head. I even pretended Nancy Henry from my McMillan days was cheering me on and telling me I could do it. Boy, was it hard to not slow down my pace but I did it!!!

Now I need to figure out how I'm going to stay in shape when I am in Morocco for 2 weeks. Yikes!

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