Sunday 19 August 2007


This week I've been tired to the point of nausea so on Friday, I treated myself to a nap after supper. What was supposed to be a one hour nap turned out to be a 12 hour nap! I remembered Aidan crawling in bed beside me at about 9pm but after that, I was dead to the world. Next thing I knew, my alarm was telling me it was 6am. I was rested enough that I could have climbed out of bed then but hey, it was Saturday...why force it?

1 comment:

Eric Jakob said...

Those are nights to cherish!

I remember I did that once and at 8:00 I was so refreshed that I hopped up and jumped in the shower late for school. When I ran downstairs to go out the door my mom asked where I was going? We had company over and it was 8:00 pm not 8:00 am.