Saturday 17 November 2007

Hot. Cold. Rest. And repeat.

Earlier this week, Sheldon said he was taking me out on a date. I figure it was a night out as usual. I was complaining about how busy I am and he said that it's good that I can relax on Saturday. Then he let it slip that it would be a daytime date and he still had to make reservations. I thought "spa date!"

I was totally looking forward to being pampered. Thoughts of massages, facials, manicures, and pedicures filled my head. On Friday during lunch, my co-workers and I started talking about it. One fellow shared his experience at Le Nordik, a Scandinavian bath spa where you're outside and it involves very cold water. I have no tolerance for the cold and said I wouldn't want to go there.

Yup. You guessed it. That's where Sheldon took me! I would have never thought he would have even heard of the place.

Anyways, it turned out to be not as bad as I thought it would be. The setting was beautiful, nestled in the Gatineaus in Old Chelsea. In order to get the full benefits of the baths, you would sit in a steam bath or dry sauna for 10-15 min. This helps to open your pores and it draws the toxins out of your body. I thought I would be claustrophobic in the steam bath but I actually did really well. I liked it better than the dry sauna.

After that, you had to take a dip in really cold water. This closes your pores quickly in order to keep the toxins out. Luckily, we were informed that we only had to be in the icy cold water for only 10-15 seconds. There was a tepid pool that wasn't as cold and you could stay in it a little longer if you dared. We dipped in that one once.

After the cold water, you would go to the "rest stations" and just relax for 10-15 min. Nobody is supposed to talk at the rest stations. There were rest stations outside around a fireplace, a sheltered gazebo with a fireplace, or you could sit inside the resting building. In this building, there was even a little room that looked like a sauna room but it wasn't really hot. There were mats on the benches where you could take a nap! Pretty crazy. Sheldon went in there but I didn't. I was trying to finish my book club book in time for Wednesday night.

Anyways, after you rested, you repeated the hot, cold, rest cycle again. It was recommended to do it 3-4 times. After that, you could hop into one of 2 hot tubs and relax before hitting the change rooms.

To end a very relaxing afternoon, Sheldon took me to a little Thai restaurant in Hull. It was good, but my curry had a kick to it and I don't take spicy very well.

Thanks to Dixie for watching Aidan while we were gone. And thanks to my fabulous husband for treating me to a relaxing afternoon. Love all around.

Now I think I'm going to end my relaxing day by curling up and try to finish this book.

This picture I found on the internet doesn't do the place justice because Gatineau is prettiest in the fall.

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