Sunday 16 September 2007

A Pain in the Butt

Well I am almost done my iron injections. I only have 3 more this week. Just to recap, these were the side effects according to the doctor:

1. they were going to painful
2. they will leave marks on my butt
Number 1 only hurt for the first week and boy did it hurt. Now I'm totally used to the pain, or until somebody hits or smacks me on the butt. Aidan did that as a joke one day. It wasn't very funny.

Number 2 sounded like it would be leaving little dots on my butt, which prompted Sheldon and the kids to call me polka-dot butt. However this is not true at all. The injections don't leave little dots. No, they leave humongous dark bruises about the size of an Eggo waffle. Luckily I don't think they're permanent because I notice a slight fading after a couple days, but then it would be time for another shot in that cheek.

(a waffle is approximately 7 cm in diameter)

Oh well, at least I'm feeling a lot better now. Imagine if I were to take iron pills instead and had to wait 3-6 months to feel better. Now that would've been a huge pain in the butt.

1 comment:

Ryan and Katie said...

Comparing bruises to waffles.... haven't heard that one before!!!