Friday 9 May 2008

The verdict is in...

...and it doesn't look good. I went to my physio appointment this morning. Martin, the physiotherapist, said there is some swelling in my calf muscle due to fluid build up. I've injured my gastrocnemius muscle. I am not allowed to run on the ground until it heals some more which totally screws up my last two weeks of training. However, he says I could be able to run in the race if I train via pool running or biking, and go to physio every day, Monday to Friday, until the race.

However, the flu put me out of commission for a week already. My calf muscle has put my out of commission for an additional week and a half. I haven't ran 10km in weeks. By now, I should be running 15-18km. The half marathon is 21.1km. I feel like I'm so behind but then a part of me thinks maybe I can beat all odds. Martin thinks it can be done. It may be physically and mentally hard on race day, but maybe I can still do it. I imagine the joy I would feel if I ran the race and finished, beating all the odds. It would feel so good!

But am I just kidding myself?

I can't even run a few steps to catch the bus right now without pain. Will I be able to heal and train enough in two weeks?

I've spent the rest of the day in despair. I don't know what to do. I want to run a half marathon. That's my goal for this year. I want to do it so badlly. I know I won't be able to go to Toronto or New York to run in the fall because of the costs (plus I won't have any vacation time left). I'm upset. This must be only a fraction of the emotions pro-athletes go through when they're injured right before the Olympics or something.

Should I just go for it? What if I can't finish?

I don't want to fail. I don't want to quit.

What do I do?

1 comment:

D said...

Why quit now? It's only pain. If Martin says it can be done, then go out and do it.

I bet you will limp a bit in the race, but after 10 km, it will settle into a dull ache and you'll be fine for the last half.

The next morning will be another story...