Saturday 6 January 2007

Black, White, and Growing Up

Below are some pictures of the Black and White Ball (aka Stake New Years Dance) this year. Who knew I could make a gym look like this. I love this calling because it's like throwing parties all the time but not with your own money. This time, I chose to serve more gourmet food like sushi and fancy cheese platters. Surprisingly, the change in refreshments was very well received. Thanks to everyone who helped out, big or small (or even just showing up). If you have any ideas for future activities/dances, I'm open to suggestions.

On another note, I was putting Aidan to bed the other night and as I was walking away, he asked me if I could mend his Blue's Clues pillowcase that was tearing at the seams. I told him that maybe it was time to get a "big boy" bed set since he's had the Blue's Clues one since he was 2. He adamantly said no then began to get upset. He explained how he didn't want to grow up. He was worried about things like not knowing how to help his own child with homework when he was older. I tried to reassure him and explained that if he didn't grow up, he'd miss out on a lot of fun and knowledge but he just insisted he wanted to be 8 forever.

Afterwards, I pondered on this a bit. What makes a child so scared about growing up. Then I examined my own life. Do Sheldon and I not have enough "fun"? Are we so busy that we don't take enough time to enjoy life? Do we worry about bills, jobs, and the future that much? Obviously we are the main examples of adulthood for our child. Perhaps some changes need to be made. Something to think about some more...

1 comment:

ChrissieYoung1987 said...

Don't show this to Aidan...

but I wish I was eight again too. I wish I had more time to have fun. Good clean, responsibility free fun. They, as few as they were, were great times.

But, of course, we all have to grow up at some point. I just sometimes wish I wasn’t rushed into it.
