Wednesday 10 January 2007

Rejected Again

Today I went to donate blood at the Canadian Blood Services clinic. For the second time, I was rejected because of low iron levels. For some reason, it feels like crap to be rejected for something like this. I never thought I would get rejected twice! Last time I tried was like years ago. This time, my iron levels were 0.1 above acceptable levels but the nurse said to come back in 2 months because if they took blood today, I wouldn't have much iron left in me to recuperate. It was definitely a crappy feeling. I mean, this is something that almost anybody can do regardless of your financial situation. Being denied feels like crap. Oh well, here's to 2 months time.

On a funny note, Aidan was in the bathroom and while he was doing his business, he started singing a song. He was making it up as he went along. It was so cute. It was about how there is no snow and how it sucks because of pollution (ie. global warming). The song went on forever. It was so funny. He didn't know I was standing on at the other side of the door listening or else I'm sure he would've stopped.

1 comment:

ChrissieYoung1987 said...

Every time I hear this story I laugh. Your son is the cutest thing ever! Well...besides my brother, the Gabanator is the 'poop' ;D Hahahah.

But seriously, he's cute and smart. I don’t know a lot of kids who sing songs about global warming...just poop and pee...hahah. Love you Jess :D C.