Wednesday 31 January 2007

A busy weekend

Well, it's official. My baby is baptized. In just under a year and a half, I'll have a child in Young Men's. I'm too young to have kids that old!

Aidan was baptized this last Sunday, January 28, 2007. It was such an uplifting and loving occassion. Unfortunately only my mom could make it but there so many of our friends were there and we appreciate their love and support. You are truly a part of our family too. And let's not forget the food! I was told by somebody not from our ward that Riverside Ward sure knows how to party. That's right. A party isn't a party until a member of Riverside Ward is there. Woo hoo!!!

Here are some pictures of some very special people who took part in the program. And thanks to Elder Applegate (crouching) and Elder Park (standing) for teaching Aidan the discussions.

Sheldon also introduced the Nintendo Wii to my mom. Here are some pics of her playing. She's pretty good at golf. She even got a birdie...beginner's luck.

Ok, ok, one more picture. Aidan will be the ring bearer for my cousin Kevin's wedding in Vancouver this June. Here he is trying on the tux. Too cute! He looks so thrilled too, doesn't he?

1 comment:

ChrissieYoung1987 said...

You're mom is absolutely the cutest thing ever! Awww, and Aidan is so handsome! :) What a lovely family you have, teehee.

<3 love ya Jess!