Sunday 29 April 2007

"Because I was bored..."

What possesses an eight year old to take a crayon and draw on the car door?

That's what I asked myself yesterday when Aidan
drew on the inside of the car door during the 5-10 min. ride back from gymnastics. His reply when asked why was, "Because I was bored. I wanted to draw with the crayon and had nothing to draw on and I wanted to see if the crayon would draw on the car." And it does, ladies and gentlemen. It does. His best buddy Kaiden was sitting right next to him in the back seat. Aidan could have easily beat his boredom by talking to him. But no, he decided to take the red crayon he found and draw happy faces on the inside of the car door.
This is the type of behaviour I'd expect from a toddler, but an eight year old?

1 comment:

D said...

At least he was drawing smiley faces. Wouldn't that worry you if he always drew frowning faces?