Shopping, Shopping, Shopping
Can I just say how much I love shopping, especially when you have money put aside for it. And I have been very impressed with Smart Set's line of clothes these past few seasons. They have tops that are long enough to cover your butt when you bend over. And they have shirt dresses...I love shirt dresses. However, I didn't buy any this time around. They didn't have the one I liked in my size. Oh well. I did pick up five great tops and a couple pair of pants for work. All I need now is a couple new pairs of jeans and my work wardrobe is complete...except for shoes and accessories, of course. Ahhhh, nothing tops off a four-day weekend better than some retail therapy.
We played a lot of cards too this weekend with the de Souzas. Girls kicked the guys' it should be. And man, did I eat a lot of chocolate. I totally junked out. Time to whip back in shape now...well maybe once all the chocolate is gone first.
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