Monday 11 August 2008

Another running milestone

Yesterday I ran 12km, the furthest I've ever run! I decided to run home from church so I wouldn't chicken out or procrastinate if I waited until later during the day to do it. The direct route home from church was only 8km so I ran one major intersection further and came around the back of the neighbourhood in order to make up for the extra 4km.

About 5km into it, I had to go to the bathroom. There was no way I could hold it for another 7km. I went into the McDonalds along my route when the thought crossed my mind, "How ironic is it to see somebody running and then going into a McDonalds?"

It was really hard to get back into the groove again afterwards. About 3-4km after, it wasn't so bad. However, during the last couple of km, I noticed I was paying attention to my legs and feet more. They weren't hurting or anything...they were just starting to feel a little uncomfortable. One runner has advised me that if you don't feel uncomfortable each time you run longer, you're running to slow. So I guess that means I was doing alright.

I haven't been able to do my runs during the weekdays, which I know is not good for my overall training. At least I've been keeping my long runs and have been able to finish them. Next week, I'll be tackling 14km. I'll probably run home from church again although I'm not sure how and where I'll adjust my route to accomodate the distance. Stay tuned...


Ryan and Katie said...

haha I used to go to the gym and then cross the road for a McDs milkshake!!!

SAH in Suburbia said...

Yeah - go you!!!