Sunday 17 August 2008

Proud of my Aidan

I am so proud of my Aidan that he deserves a post of his own. Today was the first day he ever sat in sacrament and listened to all the talks! He didn't pull out his doodle book to draw, he didn't try to lay on my lap to sleep. He actually listened to the talks and asked me some questions during them so he could understand what the speakers were saying.

This wasn't preluded by a lecture from us about being reverent and listening to the talks either. He just decided all on his own to listen like a grown up today.

I am so proud of my Aidan. He is such a good boy. I hope he does it again and again!!


SAH in Suburbia said...

So, this does eventually happen?

Eric Jakob said...

He is a good boy. Now If I could just train him to fix me a big hoagie during football.

lol. He is a good kid.