Sunday 18 March 2007

A good place to be in

I spent all of Saturday in bed sleeping, trying to get well. This leads to a problem though. You can't sleep at night. I watched what little entertainment peasant vision (tv via antenna) had to offer me during those wee hours in the middle of the night.

They actually aired an episode of The Hills and The Real World: Denver on CTV. So I settled in to watch them to see why teenage girls love these shows so much. Account planning research, if you will. Watching these so-called reality shows brought me back to how I behaved as a teenager...very irrational and very manipulative. But the sad thing is, the people on these shows are in their early twenties. I did these things when I was in my mid-teens! I saw right through why they were acting the way they were. After I turned the tv off and tried to fall asleep, I got to thinking where I would be if it wasn't for meeting Sheldon and joining the church. I would be exactly like these people...just not on national tv. But you get what I mean.

Then today, I find out that my good friend Chrissie and her friend got punched in the face during a bar fight. What kind of guy punches a girl!!!! Needless to say the guys in Chrissie's group took care of the weenie pretty quickly. But still...who punches a girl???

So after a night of watching teenage reality shows and hearing this story, I realize that I'm in a good place in my life. I truly am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey it's me - Chrissie.

Turns out I have brused ribs in addition to my other injuries. I just started to eat food again without throwing up! Yay!

I love Jessica!