Thursday 8 March 2007

Rejected No More

Hurray, I'm not rejected anymore! I donated blood for the first time last night. Actually I just made the minimum requirement of iron in my blood. It's wierd because I've been taking iron supplements and eating lots of cream of wheat for breakfast too. I thought my levels would be more. Oh well, I was accepted. I have to say I felt really good about doing this. It's been something I've been wanting to do for years. Three lives will be helped with my one donation. Pretty cool.

Oh and I won't have moments of boredom at work anymore. Today the assignments and projects came piling in. There's a few more to come still too. I'm really excited to be busy again and this is my chance to show what I can do. It's sink or swim time.

Yesterday was Portfolio Review and mine went really well. I only have a few things to re-work. The account director reviewing it was really impressed with everything. I came out of it feeling very confident. Near the end, she was looking at my resume then said she thought she recognized me from somewhere. At first I thought does she know me from church? Then she said she was one of my judges from OCMC...the integrated marketing communications competition I took part in last November and came in 4th by 0.38 points.

Well, it's time for me to watch Survivor with the family. Stay tuned for more updates...


jenjakob said...

What's up? Are you busy, Jessica?

D said...

Giving blood? Doesn't that involve needles?

ohhhhhhh... i think i'm going to faint...