Wednesday 14 March 2007

PS...perhaps I will be rejected in the end

Ok, so the deal with giving blood is if you have second thoughts or you start feeling ill after the first week, you have to call Canadian Blood Services to let them know. Well, the last few days my body's been aching and I've been tired. No other symptoms have emerged which means my body is trying to fight whatever is trying to make me sick. However it also meant I had to call CBS to tell them of my symptoms in case the germs were in my blood last week. They said they'd look into it. So it may be that after all that, my blood may be unusable. So goes this saga. I pre-booked my next appointment when I was there last week, so I guess this will be it until then.

Adjusting to a 9-5 schedule hasn't been easy. Sheldon has really stepped up and made supper almost every night so it was ready by the time I walked in the door. And he thought things would be easier once I was finished school. My workload has definitely picked up as well. But using my crafty project management skills (tons of to-do lists, prioritizing, calendaring, etc.) everything is under control. I have quite a few projects to see through. They're not huge in scope, but they are many.

The family is doing well. Aidan is very clingy. He has a hard time with my work schedule. He's been climbing into our bed in the middle of the night lately too. Sheldon and I were discussing our summer caregiver arrangements. Putting them in summer camps all summer will cost well over $2000. As far as I know, there is a lack of caregivers in our area. Sheldon suggests I shouldn't start a job at all then. He said I should stay at home. I agree but we have bills to pay. I'd love to stay home, but I'd need something to do during the day while the kids are at school. I know, this is the same complaint I've had for days.

As you know, Connor has been playing the violin for about 3 years now. His original interest was to learn how to play fiddle music but we wanted him to learn the classical way first in order to learn the proper technique. I went to buy a new string for my own violin the other day and Sheldon asked the owner for his advice. Apparantly he could start any time now. He's been playing for long enough. So I guess in order to keep Connor interested in the violin, we should encourage him to play music that he enjoys. That's what my piano teacher did. Every now and then she'd give me a popular or contemporary piece to play. One time she gave me "Think of Me" from Phantom of the Opera. I still pull out the sheet music once in a while to play it.

The weather here has been wonderful. Today it reached 10 degrees, I think. I don't like the melting part of the season though because it starts to smell of mud and traces of dogs on their walks start to waif through the air. But it's supposed to plummet again at the end of the week. With everything melting and then freezing, the roads are going to get slippery.

Well, Lost is on now. Yes, in 3 months we've watched 3 seasons worth of the show and caught up. Will Charlie die? Hmmm.....

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