Thursday 20 March 2008

Training Update

Some of you may be wondering why I haven't posted anything about running lately. It's because I've decided not to do it. It was taking up so much of my time and I was going to bed so late in order to stick to the training schedule.

Just kidding. I am still training for the half marathon. The only reason why I haven't posted is because I haven't been running this week. I was so sore over the weekend that it was better for me to take a few days off than to force myself to run risking further injury.

I'm planning on strapping on my running shoes again this weekend though. I need to do my first 5 mile run which is 8km which is the same distance as running along the canal. What a milestone that will be for me!

I don't know how much I'll struggle getting back into it though because I've eaten a lot of Easter candy (from work) and cookies (at Barb's) these last couple of days. Yikes!

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