Wednesday 9 July 2008

Week 5, Wednesday

I missed yesterday's scheduled 4km run so I did it today. It was a short run but it was tough because I was fighting the wind. My body felt pretty heavy too; like it was harder to move my legs to carry myself along. Completed it in about 25 min. though. I've noticed my steps while running are really loud. Maybe that has something to do with being heavy. D, is there something about gravity or something changing that makes you feel heavier?

I know, I know...I'm not heavy. Geez, can't you take a joke!

Last Saturday, I took Connor to the temple for his first time. The youth went to the Montreal Temple to do baptisms for the dead. What a wonderful experience it was to see your child help do the Lord's work. Even the evening before the temple trip was wonderful. Aidan, Connor, and I sat on my bed and read from a children's book about what temples are and what kinds of ordinances happen inside the temple. I was pleasantly surprised at the conversation we had on it. It's moments like those that I want to cherish forever.

I'll post pictures of the temple trip as soon as I get a chance to get them off my camera.

1 comment:

D said...

Was that gravity question directed at me because you think I'm fat?

I'm offended.