Thursday 17 July 2008

Week 6, Wednesday

Yesterday I ran 5km at 7pm. It was still about 25 degrees outside and I found myself running slower than usually due to the heat. I was about a minute longer than usual (34 min.). I don't like running in the heat so much.

I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do in my training. I haven't been following it as closely as I should be. It's tough when I've been working so many late nights and I feel guilty if I spend what little free time I have running instead of spending time with the family or catching up on chores.

They hired somebody new at work and he starts at the end of the month. That will give me some reprieve since I get to unload some of my workload onto him. Thank goodness! I'll have a life again.

Next week I start my hill training. I'll have to really work hard at this because the race route in October is not flat like the National Capital Race I originally wanted to run in May. I'm intimidated but I've read that it will make me a stronger runner. That's a good thing . Hopefully I will see (and feel) the results in a few weeks. I need a "pick me up".

I know I can run 5km no problem so now I have to aim for 10km. Hopefully I can do that in within a month's time. My goal before the summer ends is to be able to run 10km easily, if not more.

I pray to run and not be weary...literally!

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