Last night, Barb and I went to see Josh Groban in concert. It is always a treat to listen to a talented singer live. I could hear him sing all night. He had the same violinist as last year's concert and she is amazing. The cellist was good too...almost inspired me to learn. When the concert began, Josh sang his newest single "You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)" and the lady sitting beside me (not Barb...the other side) started to sing along. Now if this was a different performer, let's say Madonna for example, where the dancing and extra stuff was a part of the show I would say "Go ahead. Sing along." Heck, I would probably start singing along. But when it's a performer like Josh Groban, I'm there to listen to his beautiful voice, not the lady beside me. Geez, if I wanted to listen to her, I'd invite her out to a night of karaoke. I was really getting annoyed. I was praying that she doesn't know the words to every song. Luckily, she didn't...until the very last song. The encore was "You Raise Me Up". There she was again, belting it out like no tomorrow. Oh well.
There were some funny moments throughout the night. It was his birthday so somebody gave him a lifesize cutout of Homer Simpson in his underwear wearing a Happy Birthday banner like a beauty pageant sash. He even surprised everyone and appeared singing within the audience just one section away from us! Very cool!! The best part that really got the audience going though was appearing for his encore with a Sens jersey on. He knows how to please his audience.
We saw a lot of people we know at the concert too. Some we actually bumped into; the others we just saw from a distance. I looked around at the overall demographic of the audience. The women's ages spanned a huge range; think grandma's to grandaughters. Then there were the men. I pity the men because they were most likely dragged there by their wives/girlfriends. You see, I'm a good wife. I didn't drag my husband along. Forget it. I'm not paying $100 so he can sit there and be bored all night. I may not be as nurturing as others are when somebody is sick, but I know when to save a buck or a hundred.
Yes, unfortunately there is part 4 to this series. Sheldon came down with some sort of stomach thing on Friday night. He was in the bathroom every half an least. Poor guy. I was really worried - not because he was sick, I'm not that good of a wife - but because I had a volleyball tournament the next day and Sheldon was supposed to take the boys to the Stake Cub Car Rally. If he was still sick on Saturday, that would mean I had to miss volleyball and take the boys to their activity. There was no missing their races because it's Aidan's first time and Connor's last time. But there was a happy ending to this saga...Sheldon was just well enough to take the boys. Hurray! I have the best husband ever. Thank you for being so good to me.
This is how all the competitions ended. Aidan won Best Original Design for his ladybug car and my team won 2nd in our division. Connor did well but did not place. That's ok. He's won two trophies in previous years. He had to let somebody else win for a change.
I started my work placement. I'm assigned to work side-by-side with an account director on a specific account. Work will pick up more next week but that's fine with me. It gives me a chance to learn how things are done here. I feel so official here though compared to the summer. I have things now like a business e-mail address. This whole thing is very exciting...but a little scary too.
The men in the house seem to be recovering now. Hopefully there will not be a Real or Faking It...Part 5 starring me. Stay tuned and we'll find out, I guess...
Arrgghhh, if it's not one kid, it's the other. So this one is a no brainer. Aidan is sick. He has a runny and stuffy nose, and a fever. Why can't it always be this obvious? I find myself babying him more too but I don't know if it's because he's younger than Connor or because it's obvious he's sick. Now if it wasn't for the fever, I would have given him something for the runny and stuffy nose and then sent him on his merry way to school. But the fever trumped everything. Your heart always goes out to them more too when they quietly climb back into bed without you even knowing they did until you discover them fast asleep in their bed. It's an "awwww" moment.
Today was our last "working" day at school. Tomorrow we have a speaker so it doesn't count as a "working day". For our last day, we formed into groups (business and creative people separated), given a case to come up with an outline for an integrated marketing communications plan, pitched our ideas to the class, then had one creative team and one business team selected by our peers to enter into a competition. Yes, another competition. It never ends in this program. The selected teams would have to stay the rest of the day to complete their work. The rest of the class could go home. Of course nobody really wanted to be picked. This wasn't for marks or was just one last competition and another notch in the school's belt if we win, so to speak.
So the day began. For old time's sake, one last hurrah, it was me, James, and Stephanie. We were missing Chrissie as a part of our usual team, but since she is a creative, she was working on a completely different team and case. We were allowed to have teams of seven so we joined up with another group to complete our team. The case we were given was to create an IMC plan for the launch of the iPhone. We had two hours to form our ideas, and so the day began...
We came up with really great concepts for different areas of the plan, but we didn't have an overarching theme or big idea to tie everything together until the last few minutes. That's the way brainstorming goes sometimes. James came up with a great tv commercial idea. Even though we were the business team, we still had to describe the creatives in our plan.
Our whole plan was revolving around the anticipation of the iPhone's release. The timing would begin a month before the launch. The commercial would have the emotionally heart wrenching song from the musical Tommy called "Go to the Mirror". There's a part in the song that just says "See me. Feel me. Touch me. Heal me, etc." The ad features a man peering through a store window at the iPhone. It's an emotional exchange between the man and the iPhone. He reaches out to touch the phone, only to be separated by the glass. The phone takes on human characteristics and looks just as needy. You realize the song is actually coming from the iPhone. They need each other. The anticipation is horrible. They can't stand it. And with the music playing in the background, it's hilarious.
Well, that sold the class and we were the suckers picked to stay the rest of the day. And we were off with about 4 hours to write the plan. So there you have it. We began the program three years ago with competitions and it's only fitting we end our schooling with a competition...with the good ol' team too.
So that's it. James and Stephanie, it was a blast working with you guys one last time. {sniff, sniff, tear}. Steph, quickly go and ask the teacher what the word we can't think of is...quick. way to distract someone ever! And James, you do NOT get to leave the room because something stupid was said. Grin and bear it like the rest of us, boy! Lol...I know, these are all inside jokes. If you don't understand, ask me one day and I'll explain it to you.
Chrissie and Isabel, I wish we could have worked together one last time too. This part of our life is done and on to the real and scary world. Ciao people. See you at the top!
Oh and don't forget to visit one last time before the month ends. There's a brand new video on there. It's hilarious. The lesson in this one is "birth control is not to be taken like candy". Watch it and you'll see what I mean.
Oh and this commercial idea is copyrighted (because I say so), so if anybody from Apple or Apple's ad agency is reading this, you CAN NOT steal it. If interested in the ideas we have, you can contact us. We're all looking for jobs now anyways.
That's it for now. Until tomorrow...
OK so I've come to the conclusion that he was faking it. I think he was just overtired from tubing on Monday, but the rest did help him recover. This morning, he said he felt dizzy when he walked and did a funny little drunken walk. I told him to stop faking it. He said he wasn't. I said I could spot a fake. He replied, "Oh. OK." Busted!
This is the age-old question asked by parents when their child claims they are not feeling well in the morning. Are they really sick or are they just faking it because they don't want to go to school? This is the dilemma I was faced with this morning.
Connor went tubing with his class all day yesterday. He came home in the evening looking exhausted. He had no energy at all. I figure it was from all the outdoor fun he he was starving by the time he got home.
This morning, he woke up a half hour earlier and came to my room saying he wasn't feeling well. He said he felt like throwing up. Now my mommy-senses told me that he's still tired and just wanted to stay home to rest. So I told him to rest for another half an hour before we had to start getting ready for school. I wanted to see if he actually threw up during that half an hour. Since there was no puke, I sent him to school even though he was acting slow and tired the whole time.
Thirty minutes later, the school called asking me to pick him up. The secretary said he was looking green. Crap.
Am I a bad mother for not believing him and sending him to school? I told him if he didn't feel better throughout the day that he could come home. My formula has always been to send them to school if there were no obvious symptoms. If they were really feeling bad, the school would call me. My track record is pretty good. I've only had to pick them up from school once or twice now. But today, I can't help but feel guilty for not believing Connor in the first place. Were my mommy-senses off?
Anyways, he went straight to bed when I brought him home. I even gave him Gravol because he was complaining about the nausea. That knocked him out for a few hours. He's awake now. No puke yet...that's a good sign.
Ok so what's the deal here? Is Meredith on Grey's Anatomy dead or alive? What the heck is going on with that show. In one way, there really is no storyline for her anymore. She has ended up with McDreamy, it's happily ever after...right? So if anything, they could kill her off. But she is the main character and my years of tv watching experience tells me she'll be resuscitated. But then that would make Grey's Anatomy predictable, right? If it's to keep us entertained and in order to throw us for a loop, they may kill her off. ARRGGHHH, the frustration.
What are your predictions?
Oh and Sheldon and I have just started watching season 3 of Lost. It's been madness trying to catch up. We started season 1 during the Christmas break. Sheldon's theory is that they are in some sort of purgatory. He looked up what Dharma meant and I can't remember the exact meaning he found was, but I think it has something to do with being on the path to enlightenment (or heaven) or something. Sheldon, if you read this, maybe you can reiterate what you told me. Anyways, ever since he came up with that theory, everything does make sense.
The character Ben and the "others" aren't bad guys. They say they're the good guys. Liken them to angels that guide people from purgatory to heaven but only when they're ready. The reason why Walt was taken and why they wanted Claire's baby was because they were "innocent" and should go directly to heaven. The other people left on the island still have issues to deal with before they can progress. This is why Desmond could not go anywhere on the sailboat. Like he said, there is no way out. No way out that is unless you're guided by the "others". If they are all dead, it explains why John can walk and Rose doesn't have cancer anymore. It explains why Sun conceived a baby. Their bodies are "perfected" in a way.
Well, it's a theory. I guess the only way to find out is to just keep watching.
Well, I did it. It's official. It's finalized. I am going to France. I booked the ticket last night. I have to say, it was very scary saying yes when the travel lady on the other end of the phone asked "Would you like to book it today?" Don't get me wrong. I am ecstatic to go. Sheldon says I can go, get my "silliness" out, then come back ready to work. He's so good to me.
He said yesterday that I am spoiled. Unfortunatley, I think I have to agree just based on the last couple of vehicle (it's a truck, Sheldon, not a van), I get to go to the Josh Groban concert (tickets weren't cheap), and now France! So yeah, I'm spoiled.
The best part of this trip though will be going with great friends. However, will this be a true test of our friendship? Two weeks, stuck together, wandering through the streets of France, and surviving on baguettes and cheese? Well, maybe not just baguettes and cheese, but you get the idea. Although I suppose if we can live with our husbands (gotta love them) we should be able to tough it out together for two weeks, eh girls?
Another "final" thing to add is the final two weeks of classes. That's it folks. Watch out advertising world because I'm coming.
Oh and to update on the volleyball and physio stuff...
I only have to go to physio for a few more weeks but not as often; and
Last week was not a fluke, I played well last night as well...woo hoo!
So that's the update for now. Don't forget to keep visiting until the end of February. New videos are posted there weekly. Tell all your pals too.
There's a new video on and it's only up for a limited time before another new one is up. Make sure you check it out. It will probably change again by Monday, Feb. 12.
How soon is too soon to quit physiotherapy? At what stage of your rehabilitation can you say, "I don't really have to go to physio anymore. I can do the exercises at home."?
The reason for my question is because I've been going to physio for about 3 months now. Except for the odd achiness I feel when I play really hard, or when I go down the stairs a certain way, my ankle feels fine. I've been playing volleyball and as long as I wear my brace, it feels fine. The puffiness is almost all gone - there's just a very small area that is still a little bit puffy - and I realize the ultrasound and the microcurrents help with that. But will it go away on its own if it's just a little bit?
I'm going twice a week but I feel like I can decrease to once a week, perhaps even just weaning myself altogether within the next month. Is this a good idea?
I suppose I could ask my physiotherapist, but don't they want patients to come often so they will be paid more? Won't they always say it takes a long time to heal and you should keep coming, even if it's only once a month because they don't want to lose you as a patient? How soon is too soon to quit physio?
Last night I had a volleyball game. It's about the 4th or 5th game I've played since I sprained my ankle. I have to wear a brace while a play and everything so I don't re-injure it. But I have to say, last night was my personal best game I have every played. I have never been so in tune with the ball before. The whole team just clicked and played a very good clean game. But I was everywhere...bumping, setting, digging, spiking, playing the ball off the net. My knee pads were getting worn out already but after last night, I think I dug so many balls that I have to get new pads now. My knees are a little banged up now too. But it's all for the love of the game.
Oh and one more thing...visit and tell your family and friends too. You only have until the end of February.
Friends of mine are having a baby. On their blog, they were talking about baby names. I gave them a piece of advice...beware of popular tv character names. Since the character Aidan was introduced on Sex and the City, there has been a surge of popularity for that name...hence why it's #1 for 2006. Luckily, my Aidan is older than many of them, which doesn't make me a follower. Well, after my comment on their blog, the father-to-be posted a huge history of where the name Aidan came from. It's quite interesting. Check it out when you have time. Oh and don't forget to visit before the end of February, and tell your friends and family too.
Hey everyone...
My class is in a competition right now and the objective is to get as many hits as possible to the website. This URL is unique to our school (Algonquin College) so it's able to keep track of the number of hits we get. Anyways, spread the word and tell all your family and friends to visit the website please. There's a funny video on the homepage too. Check it out if you have time.
This campaign is especially aimed at youth 15 years and older, and it helps to debunk some "myths" about sexual health. So if you can encourage youth (and their friends) to visit this website, even better. There's also some good sections for parents and teachers too. I checked it out and found out some interesting things that my boys could be going through in a few years...yikes! It doesn't hurt to stay informed.
Oh and this contest ends at the end of February so make sure you visit the website throughout the month. Visit it every day if you want. The more hits the better.