Friday 16 February 2007

Dead or Alive?

Ok so what's the deal here? Is Meredith on Grey's Anatomy dead or alive? What the heck is going on with that show. In one way, there really is no storyline for her anymore. She has ended up with McDreamy, it's happily ever after...right? So if anything, they could kill her off. But she is the main character and my years of tv watching experience tells me she'll be resuscitated. But then that would make Grey's Anatomy predictable, right? If it's to keep us entertained and in order to throw us for a loop, they may kill her off. ARRGGHHH, the frustration.

What are your predictions?

Oh and Sheldon and I have just started watching season 3 of Lost. It's been madness trying to catch up. We started season 1 during the Christmas break. Sheldon's theory is that they are in some sort of purgatory. He looked up what Dharma meant and I can't remember the exact meaning he found was, but I think it has something to do with being on the path to enlightenment (or heaven) or something. Sheldon, if you read this, maybe you can reiterate what you told me. Anyways, ever since he came up with that theory, everything does make sense.

The character Ben and the "others" aren't bad guys. They say they're the good guys. Liken them to angels that guide people from purgatory to heaven but only when they're ready. The reason why Walt was taken and why they wanted Claire's baby was because they were "innocent" and should go directly to heaven. The other people left on the island still have issues to deal with before they can progress. This is why Desmond could not go anywhere on the sailboat. Like he said, there is no way out. No way out that is unless you're guided by the "others". If they are all dead, it explains why John can walk and Rose doesn't have cancer anymore. It explains why Sun conceived a baby. Their bodies are "perfected" in a way.

Well, it's a theory. I guess the only way to find out is to just keep watching.


jenjakob said...

So, I don't think they'll kill Meredith. The show is called Grey's Anatomy. How can the show go on for 3 more seasons (or whatever) if Grey is dead. What would they call the show? In memory of Grey's Anatomy. It would be good if she could die and then mysteriously come back next season. That would be worthy. That whole episode was a little sad, though. Poor guy losing his 7-month pregnant wife. Horrible. AND George making a mistake marrying Cali (or Callie... whatever). ANyway, we'll talk more tonight.

KabalRPG said...

Dharma is truth, the truth about the universe. It is the teachings of the Buddha, which lead to enlightenment. Buddha-Dharma means "Path of Awakening." It is interesting given the context of the show. Considering that so many people there seem to get a second chance if they want it, the others seem to do these experiments to people that almost seem tailored to their fundamental natures, and that the "world" of lost appears to be this closed system that doesn't seem to be real (much like the buddhist concepts of anicca, impermanence and of samsara, cycles of rebirth). My theory is that when they discover their true natures they are allowed to leave (i.e. reach enlightenment.)