Thursday 22 February 2007

For Old Time's Sake

Today was our last "working" day at school. Tomorrow we have a speaker so it doesn't count as a "working day". For our last day, we formed into groups (business and creative people separated), given a case to come up with an outline for an integrated marketing communications plan, pitched our ideas to the class, then had one creative team and one business team selected by our peers to enter into a competition. Yes, another competition. It never ends in this program. The selected teams would have to stay the rest of the day to complete their work. The rest of the class could go home. Of course nobody really wanted to be picked. This wasn't for marks or was just one last competition and another notch in the school's belt if we win, so to speak.

So the day began. For old time's sake, one last hurrah, it was me, James, and Stephanie. We were missing Chrissie as a part of our usual team, but since she is a creative, she was working on a completely different team and case. We were allowed to have teams of seven so we joined up with another group to complete our team. The case we were given was to create an IMC plan for the launch of the iPhone. We had two hours to form our ideas, and so the day began...

We came up with really great concepts for different areas of the plan, but we didn't have an overa
rching theme or big idea to tie everything together until the last few minutes. That's the way brainstorming goes sometimes. James came up with a great tv commercial idea. Even though we were the business team, we still had to describe the creatives in our plan.

Our whole plan was revolving around the anticipation of the iPhone's release. The timing would begin a month before the launch. The commercial would have the emotionally heart wrenching song from the musical Tommy called "Go to the Mirror". There's a part in the song that just says "See me. Feel me. Touch me. Heal me, etc." The ad features a man peering through a store window at the iPhone. It's an emotional exchange between the man and the iPhone. He reaches out to touch the phone, only to be separated by the glass. The phone takes on human characteristics and looks just as needy. You realize the song is actually coming from the iPhone. They need each other. The anticipation is horrible. They can't stand it. And with the music playing in the background, it's hilarious.

Well, that sold the class and we were the suckers picked to stay the rest of the day. And we were off with a
bout 4 hours to write the plan. So there you have it. We began the program three years ago with competitions and it's only fitting we end our schooling with a competition...with the good ol' team too.

So that's it. James and Stephanie, it was a blast working with you guys one last time. {sniff, sniff, tear}. Steph, quickly go and ask the teacher what the word we can't think of is...quick. way to distract someone ever! And James, you do NOT get to leave the room because something stupid was said. Grin and bear it like the rest of us, boy! Lol...I know, these are all inside jokes. If you don't understand, ask me one day and I'll explain it to you.

Chrissie and Isabel, I wish we could have worked together one last time too. This part of our life is done and on to the real and scary world. Ciao people. See you at the top!

Oh and don't forget to visit one last time before the month ends. There's a brand new video on there. It's hilarious. The lesson in this one is "birth control is not to be taken like candy". Watch it and you'll see what I mean.

Oh and this commercial idea is copyrighted (because I say so), so if anybody from Apple or Apple's ad agency is reading this, you CAN NOT steal it. If interested in the ideas we have, you can contact us. We're all looking for jobs now anyways.

That's it for now. Until tomorrow...

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