Wednesday 4 July 2007

Home Alone

Yesterday afternoon, Sheldon and the boys left for Texas. They are gone for 3.5 weeks. That's right folks. I get the whole house to myself. Now those who know me know that I would never just sit around and do absolutely nothing. So these are the projects I have on my list to do while they are away:

1. paint Aidan's room (a surprise for him)
2. paint hallway...and possibly the kitchen too
3. finish the front garden
4. put up some pictures
5. toning up my forearms
6. count calories to help #5.

So last night was day one. I went to Ikea after work and bought a few things for the house. This included a jar for my Juno Beach sand. I didn't find picture frames I liked so I went to Michael's and found a couple for my chateau pictures.

Then I worked with some weights and did some pushups. Best of all, I only ate 1200 calories and wasn't too hungry!!

Anyways, besides missing the boys, I should be fine on my own. The only thing I'm really, really worried about are thunderstorms. I am absolutely terrified of them. I have no idea what I'm going to do if we have a thunderstorm. Well, that's not true. I know exactly how I'll react during a thunderstorm. I just don't know to what extreme now that I'm alone.

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