Wednesday 2 January 2008

Christmas Happenings

I got a little bit behind in my posts because we were having so much fun visiting with friends during the Christmas break. Here's a photo journal of all the Christmas happenings...

Christmas Eve at the Jakob's and then the Booth's

Christmas Morning.
Holiday dinners wouldn't be complete without old man Monty.

Boxing Day at the Collins' and then the de Souza's. Spencer just completed a hike up Mt. Kilimanjaro, and Sheldon just completed a nap at the Collins' during the party. What a party pooper! At the de Souza's, we played cards until the wee hours of the night.

Dinner at the Clark's new home. They just returned from a posting in Beijing for a couple of years. During that time, they had two little boys.

Ha ha...I love this picture. We were at a potluck and white elephant gift exchange at the Laycock's. Angelina is testing one of the gifts on Jen while it looks like Eric is just sitting back and lovin' the action.

Black and White Ball - Stake New Year's Eve Dance. It took us about 5 hours to decorate and only 30 min. to tear it down. Sigh.

1 comment:

Eric Jakob said...

"It took us about 5 hours to decorate and only 30 min. to tear it down."

This unfortunately is the case for many things including Christmas dinner.

It looks like you more than pulled the ball off. Sorry for sickin out on it.