Saturday 12 January 2008

Week 1, Day 5

A day off
  • I'm not kidding; that's what the training schedule says. I can totally do this. I did go ice-skating with the family today which could count as something even though I didn't have to do any exercise today. However, the hot dogs and fries for lunch and the Thai Express for dinner may have cancelled all my good work for the first four days. Oh long as I break even at the end of the day.


D said...

A few extra calories don't immediately reverse the good things you did those first few days. Think of the great exercise you gave your heart and lungs when you ran. Just thinking about it makes me want to go out and run... kind of.

jenjakob said...

GO JESSICA!!! I will cheer you on - even on the days when you don't have to run, and you eat hot dogs and fries. I almost want to do this with you - except for my unfortunate ... issues.