Sunday 10 February 2008

The End of the Innocence

I'm in mourning. Here's the story why...

My boys got in trouble in Primary
(children's Sunday school) today for their behavior and got pulled out. They have NEVER been pulled out at church before in their lives. Then when we got home and tried to get them to tell us what happened, both of them couldn't get their stories straight. We knew what the real story was because we asked the teacher that pulled them out. But both of them were lying about certain parts of the story.

We told them to stay in their rooms for an hour to think about it. Then we would go to each one to get his side of the story. Then like a police interrogation, we'd go to the other to try and collaborate the story. They still wouldn't confess to the whole truth!

We were more angry that they were lying than what happened in Primary. We wanted to nip this in the bud. We wanted them to know that lying like this is NOT tolerated. We wanted to punish them where it hurt. The consequence: both of them are grounded for a month; no electronics of any kind (TV, video games, computer, mp3 player, etc). When the month is done (which coincidently ends at the beginning of March break) they are going to be given another chance to tell us what happened. If they are still lying, they are grounded for another month.

Connor bawled his eyes out. Aidan just sat there until later when he realized he wouldn't be able to get the new Simple Plan CD that comes out on Tuesday or see the movie Spiderwick which comes out on Thursday.

That's right...hit them where it hurts so hopefully they'll never do it again.

Back to the reason why I'm mourning...the way we handled this and how we came up with the punishment was similar to the way we came up with Solomon's punishments when we lived with us. I'm mourning because my little boys aren't little anymore. They are entering the dreaded teenage years. They are not so innocent anymore. That is why I'm in mourning.

I guess it was fitting that I was wearing all black today.

1 comment:

Ryan and Katie said...

this is the part of having kids I've gotta say I'm not excited for! I like the way you guys dealt with it though... being stored in the ol' noggin for future reference! hehe